Ghlac ár scoláirí Mion-Gnó páirt sa chomórtas Clár Fiontraíochta na Daltaí 2019 i Luimneach le déanaí, eagraithe ag Oifig Fiontar Áitiúil (OFÁnna). Bhí ár scoláirí ón 1ú bhliain an-ráthúil i mbliaina. Tá muid an-bhródúil astu go léir & an sár-obair atá déanta agaibh thar na míosa. Bhuaigh 'Gorgeous Gruaig' an chéad áit sa chontae sa chomórtas Sóisearach, agus bhuaigh 'Bracelet Bandits' an triú áit chomh maith. D'éirigh leo 'Gorgeous Gruaig' dul ar aghaidh chuig an chomórtas náisiúnta i bPáirc Ui Chrocaigh Dé hAoine 3 Bealtaine mar ionadaithe dár gContae & dár scoil.
Tá muid an-bhródúil as an sár-obair déanta ag ár TY scoláirí chomh maith, ach go háirithe “Hurlíní” a bhuaigh an dara áit sa chontae sa chomórtas Sinsearach.
Maith sibh uilig!
Our Mini-Company students took part in the Student Enterprise Programme 2019 competition in Limerick recently, organised by the Local Enterprise Office (LEO). Our students were very successful this year. We are very proud of all of them and their commitment over the past few months. 'Gorgeous Gruaig' won 1st prize in the Junior category, with 'Bracelet Bandits' placing 3rd in the same category. 'Gorgeous Gruaig will now go forward to the national competition in Croke Park on May 3rd as representatives of our County and our school.
We are also very proud of the huge effort made by our TY students, but especially of 'Hurlíní' who placed 2nd in the Senior category.
Well done to you all!
Seo blaiseadh den chraic a bhí acu le linn an chomórtais (Here's a taste of the craic they had at the competition):
SEP 2019 Luimneach 1ú Bhl.
SEP 2019 Luimneach IB (TYs)