Laurel Hill Coláiste FCJ
Meánscoil lán-Ghaeilge do chailíní i Luimneach

Fraincis SS / French JC

Fraincis SS / French JC

Junior Cycle French

Learning Outcomes

The Junior Cycle French specification identifies a broad range of learning outcomes that describe theknowledge, understanding, skills and valuesstudents should be able to demonstrate after their three years of studying French at Junior Cycle level.The learning outcomes are set out across three strands and students will experience these through engaging

Learningexperiences as part of their language learning journey.

Structure of the Specification

Strand 1

Communicative Competence

Strand 2

Language Awareness

Strand 3

Socio-cultural Knowledge and Intercultural Awareness

This strand is concerned with developing students’ ability to communicate meaningfully in the target language.

This strand enhances the students’ general awareness about languages,how they work and what best supports them in learning languages.

This strand gives students access to new cultural dimensions and encourages them to reflect on their own culture.

The Students’ Learning and Assessment Journey over the 3 years

A new dual approach to assessment increases the prominence given to classroom-based assessment and formative assessment; students learn best when teachers provide feedback that helps students to understand how their learning can be improved.

1st Year:Students are exposed to topics under all of the strands and will familiarise themselves with the learning outcomes of each strand. They will also develop basic language skills and cultural awareness. Students will sit regular class tests throughout the year and an exam at the end of the year.

2ndYear: Students are exposed to various topics under each strand and will familiarise themselves with the learning outcomes of each strand. Students will sit regular class tests throughout the year and an exam at the end of the year.

Classroom Based Assessment 1(CBA 1): During the second or third term of second year,students will complete their first classroom based assessment (CBA).Classroom based assessments are completed during class time and closelyresemble what happens on a daily basis in the classroom.CBAs aim to create opportunities for students to demonstrate their learning in areas that are difficult to capture in a paper and pen timed exam.The first CBA (CBA1) is an oral communication task. This CBA offers students the opportunity to focus on an aspect of France and the Francophone countries; or on a simulation of an experience in the French language;or on a topic or stimulus of interest.

In place of a grade,students will receive a descriptor/comment on their CBA1 on their Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement-JCPA.The descriptors are as follows:Exceptional(Thar barr ar fad); Above Expectations(Os cionn na n-ionchas);In Line with Expectations (Ag teacht leis na hionchais);Yet to Meet Expectations(Níor chomhlíon na h-ionchais go fóill)

3rdYear:Students are exposed to various topics under each strand and familiarise themselves with the learning outcomes of each strand .Students will sit regular class tests throughout the school year as well as a Pre-Junior Cycle paper in February and the Junior Cycle exam in June.

Classroom- Based Assessment 2(CBA2):Each student develops a language portfolio that will include a broad range of texts. For the second classroom-based assessment which takes place in third year, a student will choose three pieces from their portfolio to present.

Assessment Task(AT):The Assessment Task(AT) is linked to the CBA2.This is a written task completed by students during class time and is sent to the State Examinations Commission ,along with the Final Examination, forcorrection. It accounts for 10% of the final grade, with the written exam accounting for 90%(35% of which is allocated to an aural component).Results of theCBAs and the overall Junior Cycle result are recorded on the Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement(JCPA).

Further details on Junior Cycle French may be obtained from:

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Tá LHC páirteach anois sa scéim One Good School
Cnoc na Labhras, Luimneach, V94CR26, Éire.
061 313 636
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