Laurel Hill Coláiste FCJ
Meánscoil lán-Ghaeilge do chailíní i Luimneach

Staidéar Gnó SS / Business Studies JC

Staidéar Gnó SS / Business Studies JC

Staidéar Gnó an Teastais Shóisearaigh

(Junior Certificate Business Studies)

Forbhreathnú: Cúrsa / Overview: Course

Cuimsíonn an tsonraíocht teagasc, foghlaim agus measúnú i staidéar gnó don chéad, dara agus tríú bliain san iar-bhunscoil.

Díríonn an tsonraíocht ar thuiscint scoláirí ar thimpeallacht an ghnó a fheabhsú agus ar scileanna don saol, obair agus staidéar breise a fhorbairt trí bhíthin thrí snáitheanna idirnasctha: Airgeadas Pearsanta, Fiontraíocht agus Ár nGeilleagar.

I measc na ngnéithe nua den tsonraíocht seo, áirítear torthaí foghlama trasna trí snáitheanna: Airgeadas Pearsanta, Fiontraíocht agus Ár nGeilleagar.

Na trí shnáithe idirnasctha: Airgeadas Pearsanta, Fiontraíocht agus Ár nGeilleagar.

Airgeadas Pearsanta


Ár nGeilleagar

Díríonn Airgeadas Pearsanta ar an scoláire a bheith ag forbairt sraith scileanna, eolais agus luachanna a chuireann ar a chumas cinntí eolasacha a dhéanamh chun a chuid acmhainní airgeadais a bhainistiú go héifeachtach agus go freagrach.

Spreagann Fiontraíocht an scoláire chun deiseanna a shainaithint agus iad a thiontú ina ngníomhaíochtaí praiticiúla spriocdhírithe taobh istigh den ghnó agus den tsochaí i gcoitinne trína thuiscint, trína scileanna agus trína luachanna a fhorbairt agus a úsáid.

Cuireann Ár ngeilleagar ar chumas an scoláire an caidreamh dinimiciúil idir cúrsaí eacnamaíochta go háitiúil, go náisiúnta agus go hidirnáisiúnta a thuiscint.

Turas Foghlama an Scoláire:

Taighde ar Líne (Nasc úsáideach):

Naisc úsáideacha:

JC Business Studies

This new specification for Junior Cycle Business Studies covers teaching, learning and assessment in business studies for the first, second and third years in post-primary school.

The specification focuses on improving students' understanding of the business environment and on developing skills for life, work and further study through the three inter-connected strands: Personal Finance , Enterprise and Our Economy.

The Three Strands

The new specification for JC Business Studies has 3 interconnected strands.




This strand focuses on students making informed decisions to effectively and responsibly manage their financial resources.

This strand encourages students to identify opportunities and develops an understanding of the financial, marketing and operational functions of an organisation.

This strand enables students to understand the dynamic relationship between the local, national and international economic situation.

The Students Learning and Assessment Journey over the 3 years:

1st Year: Students are exposed to various topics under each strand and will familiarise themselves with the learning outcomes of each strand. Students will sit regular class tests throughout the year.

2nd Year: Students are exposed to various topics under each strand and will familiarise themselves with the learning outcomes of each strand. Students will sit regular class tests throughout the year.

Classroom-Based Assessment 1: Business in Action

At the end of 2nd year, students will carry out a task in class (Classroom-Based Assessment or CBA) over 4 weeks. This task is carried out in school in groups of 3-5 students and are based on the 3 strands on the specification: Enterprise in Action, Economics in Action or Finance in Action.

In place of a grade, students will receive a comment/descriptor on their CBA1 on their Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement -JCPA (previously Junior Certificate)

It will be reported as follows: Exceptional; Above Expectations; In Line with Expectations; Yet to Meet Expectations

3rd Year: Students are exposed to various topics under each strand and familiarise themselves with the learning outcomes of each strand. Students will sit regular class tests throughout the year.

Classroom-Based Assessment 2: Presentation

At the end of the 1st term in 3rd year, students complete a task in class (CBA 2). This task is a 3 minute presentation on a topic associated with one or more of the 3 strands. Every student must complete an individual presentation and they have 3 weeks to complete it. This gives the students a fantastic opportunity to apply their knowledge, skills and understanding to real life settings while also developing their communication skills.

Students will receive a descriptor on their CBA2 on their Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement -JCPA

It will be reported as follows: Exceptional; Above Expectations; In Line with Expectations; Yet to Meet Expectations

Assessment Task

After the students complete this task, they then complete an Assessment Task which is a reflective task on CBA 2 which is worth 10% of the student's final JC exam grade. This Assessment Task is assessed by the State Examinations Commission (SEC).

Final Examination

The students will sit a written exam (2hr max.) which is set and assessed by the SEC as normal. The students will sit only 1 exam paper at common level, worth 90% of their final grade.

The state examination that students sit in their subject at the end of their junior cycle will also be graded differently. Instead of A, B, C, D, E, F and NG the following descriptors will now be used:

Distinction 90 to 100 %

Higher Merit 75 to 89 %

Merit 55 to 74 %

Achieved 40 to 54 %

Partially Achieved 20 to 39 %

(not graded) 0 to 19 %

Where can I get extra information? NCCA website sample papers

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Cnoc na Labhras, Luimneach, V94CR26, Éire.
061 313 636
Uimhir Rolla: 64270P
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