Laurel Hill Coláiste FCJ
Meánscoil lán-Ghaeilge do chailíní i Luimneach

Díospóireacht / Public Speaking

Díospóireacht / Public Speaking

Laurel Hill Coláiste FCJ has a very long and proud tradition in debating. Over the years, our Junior and Senior teams have achieved success in many debating and public speaking competitions at a local, provincial and national level in a variety of competitions.

Debating involves arguing a subject in a formal manner, and requires flexibility and adaptability on the speakers behalf, to adopt a variety of stances on a wide range of topics. Debating encourages comradeship, critical thinking, open-mindedness, agility in reasoning, as well as articulation and poise in public speaking in its participants. The ability of our students to confidently argue a particular view-point, in a truly compelling way is a valuable life skill that our Laurel Hill Coláiste girls will carry with them throughout their working and personal lives.

Membership of the debating society is open to all students in our school and ranges from First year up to and including Sixth Year. The societies popularity is increasing and membership continues to grow, with regular meetings and practice sessions.

As part of our TY programme, all students partake in the Toastmasters Programme for Schools. Through their engagement with this programme, our students are afforded the opportunity to develop the skills and the confidence of public speaking.

Entrants for Poetry Aloud.

Alannah Ní Lonargáin Bl 6, Emma Nic Artúir Bl4, and Doireann Ní Chuignigh Bl.1.jpeg

German Debating

6th year German debating team

German debate April 21.jpeg

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Leanaigí Sinn
Campa atá á eagrú ag an Ollscoil Luimnigh d'éinne le suim an samhradh seo
Tá LHC páirteach anois sa scéim One Good School
Cnoc na Labhras, Luimneach, V94CR26, Éire.
061 313 636
Uimhir Rolla: 64270P
© 2025 Laurel Hill Coláiste FCJ